Sunday, December 7, 2014

I Gave; Barry-One's Legal Defense Against Lena Dunham

It's a way to join the fight against psychoFems. Lena Dunham claimed in her best selling book that this man raped her. Now he is fighting back, and has a legal defense fund.
BREAKING: 'Barry One' Launches Legal Fund; Considers Suit Against Lena Dunham

"The man identified as "Barry One" in a Breitbart News investigation debunking Lena Dunham's story of being raped in college by a "mustachioed campus Republican" named Barry, has made his first official statement since the release of that report. Through his attorney, identified as Aaron Minc, Barry One has set up a legal fund to cover current legal expenses, clear his name, and to potentially file suit against Ms. Dunham.

The proceeds from the legal fund will be used only to cover Barry One's legal expenses. If there are any leftover monies, those will be donated to non-profit organizations that aid sexual assault victims.

For more than two months, and to no avail, Barry One has asked Dunham (through her representatives) to clear his name. Obviously, she has refused.

"All proceeds will be spent by Barry on legal costs and related fees associated with defending Barry's reputation," the statement reads, "including, but not limited to, potentially pursuing Lena Dunham and Penguin Random House for harm caused to Barry's reputation from the publication and sale of Ms. Dunham's memoir."

The statement adds that due to numerous details in Dunham's memoir that falsely point to him as her rapist, "Barry has already spent a substantial portion of his savings on legal fees because of the actions (and inactions) of Ms. Dunham and Penguin Random House."

The statement makes it apparent that Barry One has already racked up at least two months worth of legal fees. Through his attorney, Barry One has been in contact with Dunham's representatives since October 6. "Despite multiple requests," the statement says, "Lena Dunham has not issued any sort of statement clearing Barry’s name and clarifying the confusion that is happening."

There are reports Dunham was paid as much as $3.7 million from Random House. "
Dunham, like many of the lesbian, Atheist feminists today, is in no way attached to truth. So much of what they say is wildly undirected, irrational attacks on men in general. Dunham went the extra step, and gave us a chance to fight back in a visible, meaningful manner.


Steven Satak said...

Like that business with the university, it doesn't matter if her accusations are true or not, any more than it matters if the accusations against Cosby are true. Supporting the Narrative excuses everything, including lying. I mean, after all, somewhere a college coed is being raped. Right?

The difference is that now, they are defending their lies by claiming that such lies be okay as long as there is one victim of rape. Apparently the victim is not really a victim if it's male, so off with his head. All in the service of a 'higher goal', you see.

Fortunately for us, bullshit remains bullshit and it's easy to see and fight. Unfortunately for us, our culture seems more and more to be heading for nihilistic self-destruction that is determined to take as many others with it as it can.

Think of a nation of mall-shooters, and you will understand what we are up against. They don't give a damn about actual justice or saving actual victims. They want power over the rest of us, and if they can't have it, no one will.

Robert Coble said...


Interesting: "They want power over the rest of us, and if they can't have it, no one will."

I was musing about this very same thing, and tumbled to a "truth" hidden in all this obfuscating bovine excrement.

It has always puzzled me that the Atheo-Leftists hold the worst mass murderers in history in extremely high esteem, lauding their "workers paradises" and simultaneously indignantly defaming their own society in the most derogatory terms. Think about all of the unabashed adoration and "hero" worship of Fidel Castro, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Mao zeDong, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Whatever, Joseph Stalin and a host of Atheo-Leftist wannabee dictators.

Why are they so enthused with these killers, past and present?

Because these killers have achieved the ONLY goal that drives the Atheo-Leftists: absolute, life-and-death power over Others, to reward and punish as their warped perception of the moment dictates. On the other side of the same coin, that is what drives them bat shit crazy against any society that has not (yet) relinquished absolute power to them. They crave POWER, and are more than willing to throw away anything and everything in order to achieve it.

The dirty little secret is that they will co-opt any language, any cause and twist it to serve their ultimate goal. They will lie repeatedly and react with moral outrage whenever their lies and their agenda is publicly exposed.

The situation in Ferguson is typical. It is exploited to the maximum, creating divisions that can be leveraged into more power over EVERYONE, not just the unfortunates who happen to reside in Ferguson. When the "facts" become glaringly "inconvenient truths," switch to the next situation to exploit. Never, EVER admit to the real agenda of MORE POWER.

That is what makes Grubergate so fascinating. Here is a textbook example of what happens when an Atheo-Leftist is caught on video telling the truth. His fellow travelers immediately disavow any knowledge of or connection to him. (Think Nancy Pelosi trying to lie about Gruber having anything to do with ObamaCare, when there is another video showing her touting Gruber as one of the significant architects.) All kinds of "interpretations" are given, waiting for the "sheeple" to go back to sleep, so that the charade can be continued.

I observed the process of changing the language without changing the goal or the behavior while I was a Federal Civil Service employee. Regardless of what changes were supposedly implemented in the business practices, the career bureaucrats continued doing exactly what they had done previously, and just adapted the new terminology to "business as usual." The US Navy spent several million dollars on training in Total Quality Leadership. The bureaucrats adopted the language but kept the same old plantation policies. POWER remained exactly where it was before all that training money was spent, and NOTHING CHANGED.

Unknown said...

So after spending all their time sitting around in their circle jerks telling each "Facts don't matter; support the narrative", every once in a while one of them will get the Big Idea to trot that out into the real world and promptly get their arses kicked good by Reality where, they belatedly discover, facts do indeed still matter.