Tuesday, December 9, 2014

If You're Not Keeping Track...

...then you need to know this: If you are not a feminist, a homophile, or a black racist, then you are an Oppressor, and you are under attack by the culture warriors who are rapidly taking control of western civilization.

These ideological aberrations have seized government schools, universities, federal agencies and much of the three separate powers of federal government. Not mention the media, Hollywood, publishers, advertisers, and the Leftist-billioniare-elitist coalitions.

These three advocacy ideologies are subsets of the larger AtheoLeftist-totalitarian ideology; the subsets are merely weapons being used by the Left to cause the Oppressor Class to cower in fear of personal destruction.

Every time someone fights back against these intellectual and moral cancers, that person should be supported with our maximum capacity to do so.

The Left cannot be shamed for their abuses; they have no shame. But they can be fought to the ground. And we must do that.

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