Saturday, December 13, 2014

Rape Truthers; The Messiah Class Stews In Confusion

Amanda Hess has created a new term which is sure to catch on in Femifascist land: Rape Truthers:
"I’m surprised that these activists and commentators are so quick to hand over the future of this movement to packs of roving social media misogynists. There are people on the fringe who believe that any rape story with any discrepancies is evidence of a vast feminist conspiracy aimed at inventing rapes and vilifying innocent men, but these rape truthers are not reasonable people, nor are they most people, and it is unwise to mold the conversation around their fantasies. I am, however, concerned with how some feminists and progressives have responded to the ever-expanding holes in Rolling Stone’s story."
The actual truth is two fold, first contained in the DOJ report I posted yesterday, and also contained in the fevered name-calling to which Hess is resorting ("fringe people"; "conspiracy theorists"; "rape truthers"; "not reasonable people"), in a single sentence.

Alinsky's Ethics/Means and Ends Rule #11:
"The eleventh rule of the ethics of means and ends is that goals must be phrased in general terms like 'Liberty, Equality, fraternity', 'Of the Common Welfare', 'Pursuit of Happiness', or 'Bread and Peace'. Whitman put it: 'The goal once named cannot be countermanded.'"
Here is Alinsky's Third Rule of Tactics:
"Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. here you will want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat."
Accuse all males of rape; that will cause fear and confusion.

Alinsky's Thirteenth Rule of Tactics is this:
"The thirteenth Rule: Pick the Target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it."
In terms of feministing, Jackie at UVa was the chosen weapon, the faceless face of Victimhood. She was the personal representative for demonstrating the evil of males, especially males on campus: rapists waiting to rape. When the feminists lost Jackie, they (temporarily) lost their weapon and their bearings, and they have to immediately find a way to salvage the Narrative from their loss.

In terms of race, Brown and Garner personalize the issue even though Brown was a thug trying to kill a cop, and Garner died, not of strangulation as charged, but of his own obesity when his massive fat compressed his organs to the point of failure:
"It was after Pantaleo had released his hold that Garner uttered, "I can't breathe!" several times. Garner was still alive and conscious after Pantaleo released him from the "chokehold" that supposedly (by overwhelming popular opinion) was responsible for his death!

Mr. Garner was subdued by other officers who placed their weight on his body in order to wrest his arms behind him to apply handcuffs.

Mr. Garner's chest capacity (vital capacity) was already seriously compromised by his obesity. An officer's weight on his chest would further diminish his lung capacities.

Pressure on Mr. Garner's abdomen, also exerted to subdue him, forced the enormous fatty contents of his abdomen to be pushed upward toward his chest, restricting his diaphragmatic motion, adding another factor that reduced his ability to breathe. He was barely able to inhale enough air to gasp, "I can't breathe!"

A normal and healthy male would have been transiently distressed by the actions of the arresting officers. Mr. Garner had no margin of safety, no reserve at all, and was precariously unstable even before he was accosted. The actions of the arresting officers, undoubtedly used many times before without significant ill effect, combined with Garner's pathophysiology to rapidly produce hypoxia, very likely aggravated by carbon dioxide retention and narcosis, which suppresses the normal reflex to breathe. This was rapidly followed by cardiac arrhythmia and death."
Brown and Garner have been useful as the face of Racist Messiahism, despite the facts of their deaths. Facts which are not useful are not facts in Alinsky-land.

Perhaps the rest of us should recognize and use this rule from Alinsky:
"The Fifth Rule: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. Itis almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
If feminists and black racists are anything, it certainly is ridiculous.

For starters, why are universities loath to refer all charges of "sexual abuse" to the police? I think it just might be that doing so would reveal the actual truth of the campus situation: There is NO RAPE CULTURE on American campuses. So they use their own Kangaroo Courts to generate the image of that which does not exist.

Males on campus had better stay away from coeds, period. Maybe they all should wear body cameras? Or maybe the reverse: all coeds, especially feminists, should be required to wear body cameras 100% of their time on campus. That should alleviate their propensity to lie for the Cause.

Even better: Require all coeds to wear these body cameras: cameras dedicated for focusing on each body orifice, plus one dedicated to record the sounds uttered by the mouth; four dedicated to each direction (left, right, front, back) to detect approaching rapists; one pointing up, and one pointing down. All cameras wifi'ed directly to campus security and data stored directly on the cloud with police access. Any female who doesn't have this equipment on and operational should be expelled and blackballed from other universities.

That should do it.

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