Thursday, December 11, 2014

Utopia, Whether You Want It or Not: The New Marxism

Evolution has brought us many things, not the least of which is the fruition of the original Marxism. The concepts which lubricated the introduction to actual Marxist revolutions included Atheism, and evolution. Atheism eliminated the old values and by extension, those who hold them. Evolution brought the concept of the New Man and the elimination of genetic flaws in the human race. Science in general brought the concept of engineering the New Man, and designing his utopian culture.

Marxism was designed around class struggle, never mind whether the classes actually wanted to struggle or not. In Russia, there weren’t sufficient productive workers to create a revolution, so the class struggle definition was expanded, and those who didn’t want the struggle were dispatched. Entire sub-classes, cultures, and peoples were dispatched. It was evolutionary as the New Man emerged.

The same thing happened in China and then in Southeast Asia and Cuba. Che Guevara was a huge fan of the New Man, and he executed numerous “old man” adherents as he and Castro built utopia on their island.

But in the Euro-western world, Marxism has had a tough go, because there are few suffering proletarians with a revolutionary bent, and the concept of reward for work (anti-Marxist) still holds promise. So Marxists have had to revise, slightly, the Marxist class-wars once again.

Despite that, and despite the horrifically bloody history of Marxist takeovers in the 20th century, Marxism survives and has infected much of the western culture and government. By changing the types of classes which are to be liberated, Marxists still promise utopia, a utopia of forced equality of outcome for all individuals, save the more-equal elitist Marxian Messiahs which bring about this utopia.

The name has been changed from Marxism to several new Messiah appellations: feminism; anti-racism; environmentalism; anti-exceptionalism, globalism; equalitarianism. Underlying all of these are the standard Marxist class-war categories of Messiah/Victimhood against Oppressors. And along with that comes the ever-present eliminativist revolution of the original Marxism.

The new Marxism targets western culture, its creators and supporters, with their new morality. The new morality mimics, inaccurately, the old morality. Thus it is a stealthy replacement. Equality of opportunity is replaced with equality of outcome, the reasoning being that the oppressors have a lock on opportunity. By oppressors is meant white Euro-American males along with their apologists of whatever stripe.

White Euro-American males are afflicted with all of the various Oppressor Category failures, some genetic and some environmental.

Genetic failures are obvious. Whiteness; maleness; genetic inability to exhibit the intellect and empathy required by Marxist Messiah demands.

Environmental failures affect not only males, but also any supporters they might have, and any moral stragglers. These include being born into the western male patriarchy, especially for those who are Southern or fly-overs; environmental abusers who abuse mother Gaia with coal and fossil fuel usage. But also included are those of opposing ideologies, such as those which emphasize personal character and responsibility as necessary for civil culture. White males are the primary target.

Each of the failures listed above has been institutionalized and weaponized as moral defects deserving guilt and repentance. Those defects could mostly be fixed with the right changes applied to individual males. But the brand-new defect, also genetic, cannot be fixed: it is a permanent defect. That defect is called “male priviledge” and “white privilege”, both of which are built into every white male before birth. The white male is blind to these defects; but the Marxist Messiah Class and their Victim Class have perfect detection systems for these abuses. And they are abuses, genetic abuses which every western white male is wielding as he walks around, thinking only that he is minding his own business, while actually abusing every Victim Class individual in his path by his mere existence in their span of vision. The power of his “privilege” abusiveness surrounds him like a huge force field. The white male virtually glows with privilege, burning everyone he contacts.

Along with the genetic defect of “white male privilege” come the ancillary abuses which merely the existence of white males cause. Prominent among these are the “Rape Culture” and the “Open Season On Blacks” abuses, for which all white men are responsible.

The less reticent amongst the Messiahs openly call for the eliminationist solution: sequester male sperm, then eliminate the men altogether. Utopia would immediately follow, since only the Messiahs and their Victim Groups would remain, freed from oppression. Happy, happy, happy.

Marxism, including in its new, semi-stealth form, is logically flawed, not that that is a problem for the Marxists. It is an Appeal To Personal Authority and it is circular. In other words, whatever the Marxist Messiahs declare is automatically Truth, by the authority of the declaration of themselves as authorities.

What they declare, up front, is that they reject the evil rules of common society. They will make new, moral rules for the behaviors of others, but not themselves. The Marxist Messiahs are morally free in the sense of having only anarchy for their own behavior. It is under the moral anarchy that they are free to dictate morality to everyone else: that is how utopia is created; it’s how utopia works.

A necessary presupposition for this, of course, is a firm Atheist foundation. Self-determination of moral elitism rarely is accomplished under, say, Christianity or other religions which acknowledge the moral eliteness of a creating deity, not of any individual human.

So it is that the New Marxist Messiahs create the following moral logic:
IF [ It’s not Utopia yet ], THEN [ class war, starting with moral outrage ].
And utopia is defined as,
(a) Complete equality of outcome for all except for the administering elite, Marxist Messiahs, i.e. equal captivity for Victimhood Class people;

(b) A New Man social construct for the ideal human is in place;

(c) All the old, evil morals do not exist, having been utterly destroyed;

(d) An all new moral structure dictated by the elite, Marxist Messiahs is in place, for those who are not the elite, Marxist Messiahs;

(e) The elimination of all of the Oppressor Class is complete.
The lessons of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che and Castro are completely lost on the new Marxists. The new Marxists are morally and intellectually superior to the Marxists who went before. Their morals and intellect are unquestionable, therefore their declarations are tautologies: automatic truths.

How do these new Marxists come about? There is a covetousness inherent in them. They covet that which they are too weak to attain legitimately; so they imbue it with hate and denigration to destroy it in others: the perception of genetic powers which they do not genetically possess. They do not wish to compete on a level playing field, they merely wish to have those powers by stripping them from the hated Other, thereby leaving them in power and control, even in their admittedly weak form – too weak to have power and control legitimately, but getting it anyway.

Stripping the other of power in order to give it to themselves is a form of false affirmation of their own value, a value which is power based and not accomplishment based. Affirmation must come easily and immediately, regardless of the morality involved in the attainment process. It is a perverted Will To Power, exercised in a morality-free fashion, against a designated Oppressor Class which is saddled with morals and ethics. In fact, the Oppressor’s own moral sense is used against him by foisting a warping of the concept of “fairness” on top of and suppressing actual Right and Wrong. If the Marxist Messiah declares something to be “unfair”, then it is automatically morally Wrong. These are the terms of the Culture War.

Marxism is well entrenched in education, where everyone gets a blue ribbon, boys are drugged to be the same as girls, and teachers “own” the children. Professors attack personal worldviews in college classrooms, with denigrations such as demands to stomp a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” on it. Civil Rights legislation discriminates against the Oppressor Class in order to benefit the Victim Classes. Blacks can kill blacks every day and be ignored by the Marxist elites; if a white kills a black, nationwide rioting occurs. In fact, gangs of blacks can hammer a white to death and there is no Marxist Messiah response at all. In short, outrage and violence is reserved for the designated Oppressor Class. So the concept of “fairness” is defined by the Marxist Messiahs, based on Class Identity.

There is absolutely no reasoning with the self-authorized, morally-elitist, Marxist Messiahs; they have abandoned rationality in their pursuit of affirmation by seizure of control. We cannot convince them of their folly, or to change sides. They must be stopped, not by reasoning, but by denying them victory. And that means meeting them in their war, and defeating them. Realizing that, accepting that, and taking that path wherever it goes has become necessary for the survival of civil, liberal, free society.

Oh yes. I forgot: Capitalism is an Oppressor.

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