Monday, January 5, 2015

Salon Embarrasses Itself Yet Again

God is on the ropes: The brilliant new science that has creationists and the Christian right terrified
by Paul Rosen

The article waxes scientistic in an almost poetic paean to a minor scientist and science. The science can be called "crystallization", although it is not; it is referred to as a new thermodynamics, which it also is not. The article iconizes MIT physicist, Jeremy England, who is engaged in what is called "A New Physics Theory of Life", by Quanta magazine. It is neither new, nor a physics of life.

What the theory involves is the fact that, while in open systems entropy exists, it is overwhelmed with the new energy which is injected into the system from external sources. The theory claims three things: first that organization into "order" is possible with the injection of energy; second, that the order will decay in the path of most efficient dissipation of energy; third, that creating replicas of the system is the most efficient process of dissipation of energy. This is what is being referred to as a "theory of life".

But even the bulk of the respondents to the Quanta article are not impressed. Not only did England not invent the concept, but the concept itself is, as one commenter puts it, based on a fallacy. There are numerous predecessors going back at least half a century who have published on this idea, including equations. And the fallacy is this: "... there is no principle that says “entropy should be created as efficiently as possible”."

But there is another, more fundamental issue which is not even addressed. If DNA and RNA and all the associated and necessary proteins for life are somehow crystallized into existence for purposes of "efficient energy dissipation", how is it that these "crystals" contain non-algorithmic, non-compressible, meaningful information which pertains - not to thermodynamics - but at a minimum to all the complexities found in a single cell, including all the functions of metabolism, and the sets of communicators which are necessary for life (code-cogent transmitters, com-channels, code-cogent receivers which act on the transmitted information and feed back both actions and information to the transmitters).

For basic life, cellular metabolism contains dozens of categories of such communicator groups, which use different codes, different channels and perform different but necessary functions to create and maintain life. Even cell death is caused and managed by communicator groups (!) This is basic cellular life science. [Cooper, and Hausman; The Cell, a molecular approach; 6th Ed.; Boston University; Sinauer Assoc. Pubs; 2013; p379, etc.; a textbook for molecular biology of cells]

This is not even considered.

When Scientismists wax teary-eyed and breathless about "new science of the origin of life", one may ask immediately "what issues does this science resolve?" In this case, nothing is resolved beyond what is already known: crystals form when the atoms are reduced from one state of energy to a lower state; the appearance of order is actually the degraded form of atomic existence which requires bonding into lattices in order to maintain atomic character after the loss of energy.

There is a claim of the addition of many bits of information when energy is added to a system. But the energy added is photonic solar energy and/or local heat energy. There is no reason to assume that such energy contains or creates the many codes for metabolism or the creation of a living being, certainly not resulting in the addition of sentience, consciousness or agency to clumps of atoms. The implication is merely an artifact of ideology, not deductive reasoning or scientific discovery.

All Scientism outbursts must be examined under rational, critical analytical thought. That is not available from Salon, and possibly not from Quanta Magazine.


Robert Coble said...

Perhaps it's just another arrogant elitist (yeah, I know: that's redundant) MIT scientist taking advantage of the "stupidity of the American people." (Think Jonathan Gruber.)

Or maybe it's just another example of what happens when an "expert" in one field assumes that expertise in one field confers expertise in all other fields, even to the point that all those other fields either become irrelevant or mere subsets of the "expert's" field. (Think about the brilliant Stephen Hawking, for example, dismissing philosophy as having been made "obsolete" by physics, while making errors in philosophy that might even make Richard Dawkins blush with embarrassment at the juvenile assertions made in a quantum vacuum. On second thought, there is probably NOTHING that Richard Dawkins can say that would ever cause him to be embarrassed; he's far too "Bright" to allow that to happen.)

Perhaps there is a good reason that the academic PhD is referred to as "Piled higher and Deeper:" learning more and more about less and less until they know everything there is to know about nothing. All hail the Void!

Steven Satak said...

You know, I saw this and commented on it. They can't even define the difference between a live cell and one that has just died. Unfortunately, it's hard for Materialists to grasp the idea of Information, even though they use it every waking moment.

This is yet another reason I don't read Salon, Slate or HuffPo. They are veritable fountains of self-contradictory nonsense.

Anonymous said...

These idiots are getting desperate. Newsweek had an article taking swipes at the Bible. Michael Kruger did a two-part review about it on his site:

Canon Fodder: Newsweek Article Part 1

Canon Fodder: Newsweek Article 2

yonose said...

Hello Everybody!!

Long time no see. I wish all of you, are having a good new year.

It is obvious that the basics of open system thermodynamics is nothing new. Ivory towers (the actual state of Academia), are part of the issue.

Nonetheless, is also not profitable at all, to raise a discussion about how self-defeating is a textual comparison between the first two laws of thermodynamics, or open and closed systems. Unfortunately, it is still working all the same.

The concept of the reordering of 'Anything'(by anything I mean matter, and initial conditions of any kind of field: fermionic (EM incluiding photons, degrading), bosonic, etc) any 'resting state' within any open thermodynamical system, is the concept of energy itself; the 'ejection or dissipation of energy', is actually the concept of work, in a 'Hamiltonian sense', when Quantum Mechanics are needed. OTOH, it does not make sense to think of 'injection of energy' as something like 'lack of work'.

We are talking about an ambiguous concept of energy here that should not be happening.'injection of energy' and 'ejection of energy' are 'changes in entropy', 'injection of energy' is NOT the concept of energy itself. What characterizes Energy is the reordering and the present ORDER of a 'primordial' state.

You see, it is another case about another scientist, whose cravings for fame, may also backfire on him/her, or at least, for the sake of being whistleblown as a compulsive egomaniac, with a God Complex, a-la Mr. Lawrence Krauss. There are too many of them already.

Kind Regards!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Yonose, Long time, no see, man? How's it goin? I remember you from Atheistwatch.

Stan said...

Good to hear from you! Have a good New year.