Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trigger Warning: Microaggressions Redux

A couple of great concepts arise in the comments of this article: "Selma envy" and "Check your entitlement".

The very concept of a microaggression is an exercise in self-entitlement:
"I am entitled to your complete obeisance to my fragile, crystalline emotions which I shall call trauma to use in order to control and defame everything about you from your skin color to your sex (so long as you are white/male) because those things about you upset me."
Demanding that this melting snowflake (as they elsewhere are called) "check his/her entitlement" is certainly justified. The "trauma" of microaggression is an insult to those who incur actual trauma. But its real purpose is to control through fear and/or guilt. In other words, it is actually the coward's covert aggression on the superior being.

And the microaggression entitlement syndrome could well be based on "Selma envy", which entails jealousy that blacks once actually had to deal with actual discrimination, which has been obliterated and is now reverse discrimination and no longer gives the self-righteous satisfaction that Victimhood should give. The result of Selma Envy is the need to create racism in order to hate racism. 2014 was a year of fabricated racism to satisfy the "Selma Envy" which the voluntary victims of Leftist plantations for blacks desperately need to justify their beloved Victimhood Status. This could also be known as the Sharpton/Jackson Derangement Disorder. Or combined: the Sharpton/Jackson Selma Envy Derangement Disorder.

Sexism must be invented also, if the fainting flowers are to have anything to gasp and soil their dainties over. It is one thing to weep about inequality in a daily tweet and another thing altogether to jump headlong onto opportunities under the assumption that equality of opportunity exists, and then to drive for success. What the fainting flowers want is the destruction of competition from males, so that they can succeed without trying, from their actual self-perception of female weakness and need for protection from males, by males.

For all Marxists, equality means the destruction of the strong out of "empathy" for the weak, and the incarceration of the weak in their permanent Victimhood Class status, all to the benefit of the elite savior class (Messiahs).

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