Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Cravens

An insight from Vox's place: SJW's are actually craven. The term is more than apt; it is a masterful portrait.

The Marxist/Messiah/SJW cannot be a successful human without needing external help in the form of class war: Victims and Oppressors. This individual cowers in the face of individuality and the need to produce something, anything, to provide for him/herself and thus produce meaning for his/her life. Without Messiahship, the Marxist has no meaning and the fear of a meaningless existence virtually guarantees the need to self-anoint (to use Sowell's term) into elitist status. It is fear of being found meaningless, a craven source of purpose, which is the Marxist driver.

The designated Victimhood Group denizens likewise fear either the work or the potential for failure of trying to compete on a level field. They are blame-placers who cravenly blame their failure to thrive onto the Other, and they accept the scraps which the Messiahs offer, rather than summon the boldness to face competition which is required to succeed, even on a field that is purposefully tilted to their benefit.

The two craven types complement each other in their co-dependent and craven blaming of the Other, the designated Oppressor Class.

The cowardliness of these two classes is most obvious in the microaggression tactic, where invisible offenses by the Oppressor Class are invented, along with the hyperfragility of the mental states of the "traumatized" classes. Only the craven could be actually traumatized by words, skin tones, gender, and other fabricated offenses.

Being craven by nature, these deviants will be easy to defeat... IFF the Other - us - siezes the opportunity to assert our courage in the face of craven accusations of racism, sexism, tribalism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, and whatever other expletives the cravens can muster as their weapons. Such weaponry might appear awesome to those who fear such words of false morality. But they are as vacant of threat as they are vacuous of truth.

I think that the Marxist/Messiah/SJWs would crumble immediately if we figure out how to engage them directly. Because: craven=spineless.

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