Thursday, January 29, 2015

What If...?

What if homosexuality were actually identified as genetic (as many insist that it is and cannot be changed), and homosexuality then could be identified in the fetal stage of human development? There is little doubt that identifying one's progeny as homosexual would lead some parents to want to abort. And abortion is a sacrosanct, private woman's health issue, right? A woman can kill any fetal progeny, just because.

So how could the homosexual lobby prevent the killing of one of their own? After all, homosexuals are a protected Victimhood Class too. It's another case of the Left eating their own, unless they could find a creative way to prevent the killing of just that one specific type of embryonic human.

But the mental stress of being forced to carry a truly unwanted fetus to completion would definitely go against the stated principles of abortion necessity.

So here is yet another intraclass priority struggle which would come to the fore: women's rights to kill any progeny without giving any reason for it, versus the integrity of homosexual life which is being selected for killing.

In a sense this dichotomy has already been encountered. Women are a protected Victimhood Class yet many females are killed under the protection of the killing principle of abortion. So some females can kill other females with impunity, because certain females, those in fetal form, are actually the oppressors of women.

So under a similar logic, that all fetal humans are oppressors of women - including homosexual fetuses, and therefore, certain homosexuals may be killed by women, just because.

Yet homosexuals do not have an equivalent process for terminating women, since homosexuals don't experience pregnancy and can't abort. And that's just unfair; the inequality is glaringly not tolerable. The Victimhood Classes are like multiculturalism, in that they all must be exactly equal, with none given any preference over another.



yonose said...
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yonose said...


That's one of the reasons why I dislike political lobbies as a whole. It is just more bullshit to add on into their ranks, like a cult.

e.g. many strong LGBT adherents are just a bunch of hypocrites, and I also have some few Homosexual friends who think the same about that organization.

there are much more truthful statements here, about sexual fluidity:

I hope this is useful for you.

Kind Regards.

Stan said...

Thanks for the link, it's very interesting. Another book to buy!

It's good to see you here. How is your schooling going?

Best wishes,

yonose said...

Hello Stan,

I'll answer your question in a rant-ish way, I apologize beforehand:

Well, life gets rough sometimes. I hope all of these few years of effort by self-teaching embedded systems with Linux and alternative physics theories, would just pay off. Such are the things that gave me a job (not very well paid, but it's a job nonetheless), and gave me opportunities to see if I could publish papers as an independent researcher.

I dislike universities pretty much; it feels like being jailed because of the need of a completion of an undergrad degree. You feel pretty much undervalued as a student. It is not what is used to be anymore. It sucks. People are not being taught to THINK, but to repeat the same things over and over, like a forced inductive procedure.

People learn better by doing deductive thinking and processing, and to do so, constant reordering of knowledge from a conceptual standpoint is needed. That's why I see STEM in academia, becoming an ideology, while new paradigms are being developed at fast paces, in any institution where a bit more of independence of thought is allowed.

Unfortunately, I see Industrial Complexes allow that much better, if it serves their interest, obviously(Oil, Defense, Airspace, etc.).

Too many over-educated fools and unintelligible speakers, but simultaneously, some few people over there are open minded and it is quite rewarding to have any conversation with them.

It feels terrible when you want to be spearheading ahead of people, but not with egomaniac intentions, just to help selflessly, and receiving just rejection and ingratitude in reward. Most of people's egos are rather negative in complexion.

Patience is all what remains, I'm at my middle twenties and opportunities have been scarce in the past.

P.S. You may download the book as a chapter-by-chapter ebook in pdf format here:

Kind Regards.

Stan said...

It was always thus... clear back in my days in engineering school, industry had forged into new technologies, while schools taught the old ones, with just a smattering of the new. I went through just as tubes were replaced by semiconductors. So I knew both technologies.

I went ahead and bought the book... I prefer hard copy. But thanks for the info.

yonose said...


Thanks for the insight. Thinking about that thoroughly, there is no other recourse, more so nowadays, but to differentiate and work harder than usual.

Kind Regards!!