Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Can't Be Parodied

Iran took samples for IAEA at suspect military site

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran said Monday it independently collected samples at a suspect military site where illicit nuclear work is alleged to have occurred and later handed them to the UN's absent inspectors.

The disclosure that international monitors were not physically present is likely to feed critics of a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, who have poured scorn on measures used to check if Tehran's atomic programme is peaceful.

In a mark of the high stakes at play it drew a quick reaction from the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, whose chief insisted that "the integrity of the sampling process and the authenticity of the samples" was not compromised.

The samples were taken under "established procedures", IAEA director general Yukiya Amano said, noting "significant progress" is being made in its long-running probe of whether Iran ever sought to develop a nuclear bomb."
A perfect example of stupid science as policy... stupid policy.

Next up: Parolees will bring in their own urine samples; P.O.s will vouch that the ""the integrity of the sampling process and the authenticity of the samples" was not compromised, even though they weren't there when the samples were produced.

And temperature data will be compiled and enviro-warriors will vow that "the integrity of the sampling process and the authenticity of the samples" was not compromised, even though they weren't there when the samples were produced.

And of course, fossil R was the descendent of fossil Q, and scientists will state that "the integrity of the inference process and the authenticity of the inference was not compromised, even though they weren't there when the fossils were produced".

Of course there is no chance that the [Death To America!] Iranians are lying [Wipe Israel Off The Map!] is there? Islamists never [Taqiyya] ever lie! [No democracy - Only Islam!]

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