Friday, November 13, 2015

The Forced Suicide of Europe

If these videos disappear, go to YOUTUBE and search for "forced suicide of Europe" or "With open gates". There are some reposts there; I have loaded one just below the first, which is taken down. There are those who can repost this video and are doing so.


Steven Satak said...

My son, who is in Paris to study for four months, just messaged to say he was safe.

Looks like the slow suicide has already begun claiming victims.

Midas said...

At 4:05 of the clip the french president says interracial marriage is the goal. If it does not work voluntarily, then the state will enforce it. Wow, I'm mixed race myself but that is a clear violation of human rights not to mention a stealth and subtle genocide (or mass suicide).

Europe thy name is Cowardice

Stan said...

Glad to hear that your son is safe. France is a mess.

Stan said...

I heard that too. I can't get my head around this concept and what the Left thinks the benefit might be. It's the opposite of the racial superiority of the aryan race, for example. So maybe it's the new final solution for racism - make just one race in the entire world, everyone racially equal to everyone else. Could that possibly work, even mathematically?

For example, I don't see the Chinese being anxious to breed with blacks, and vice-versa. Or Russians with Somalis. etc

The concept is stupendously stupid.

World of Facts said...

Are you still able to watch the video? I get error messages...

Steven Satak said...

Thank you, Stan. What stuns me more than anything is the sudden attention being paid to folks who assert that it is the French people's own fault for this attack. Apparently, the fellows who pulled the triggers and then blew themselves up just couldn't help it?

"We need to examine ourselves". Bullshit. They say some animals can smell fear. I think the Islamists can smell suicidal crazy. Or is it that these dumbass Leftists just haven't been shot, knifed and otherwise inconvenienced yet?

After all, "Socialism works - until it runs out of other people's money". It would seem Leftism will carry on with its self-immolation tendencies - until it runs out of other people's blood.

Stan said...

Yep. They've taken down the secondary sources too, it appears. I hope someone has archived it. I know how to refer to the source, but I don't know how to store it off. It's probably easy, but I haven't done it.

Steven Satak said...

I downloaded it as soon as I saw it. I have a copy on my desktop. About 80 megs.

Phoenix said...

The really sad part about these atrocities, is that each time it happens the west just tries to appease the muslims even more. Maybe if we suck up to them more then they'll stop killing us. The problem with that logic is that bullies are under the impression their tactics are working. Why would they stop now and start behaving like Christians who no one gives a crap about?