Sunday, September 25, 2016

Black Lives Hypocrisy

That's not really it, either; that's the false flag. They really, really hate laws and cops - even black cops. And as the Charlotte riots show, they take any opportunity to beat up whites. Thus they are anarchic, racist, black supremacists. This has been clear ever since Baltimore's persecution of the cops, including black cops.


Steven Satak said...

When there's one set of rules for you and another set of rules for everyone else, that's not hypocrisy, Stan. That's Leftism. Note Hillary's promise to provide all manner of toys and entertainment for the 'little man', paid for by the rich fat cats. Note that she never includes herself and her husband among them. Same thing with Al Gore - he insisted we all walk or take the bus. He never once demonstrated that he himself would be willing to do that.

Anonymous said...


Steven Satak said...

No, no, Anonymous. You mis-spelled that. It's "Duh?" Much more fitting that way.

Robert Coble said...

Link: Why black lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter

I believe that the following link to a slide show presentation by Dr. Richard Johnson is the source for Milo Yiannopoulos' explanation of why black lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter.

Link: Examining the Prevalence of Deaths from Police Use of Force

Rikalonius said...

I was using that statistic as well as a DOJ study of crime from 1980-2010 at News and Views at Disqus and the mods, who allow hyperbole and ad hominem from their fellow travelers, repeatedly removed my posts despite declaring that I provide no facts. I called them on it and I was told "I'd better watch it or I'd be banned." Got to love the left, eh?

Steven Satak said...

@Rikalonious: they try to turn EVERYTHING into a Leftist echo chamber. It's 'Shut-uppery' all the way down.

Steven Satak said...
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CJ said...

@Robert: [Comments on statistics presented in a slideshow fashion: ]

Some random thogpughts from that slideshow:

Slide 3: I would have liked, in addition, to see the question, "How does the frequency of black male deaths compare to the rate of black males involved in police interventions?" (Update: this is touched on in slide 16, but wow! does that need to be unpacked.)

Or maybe that's implicit in the last question.

Slide 6: "I.e. child playing with a gun" should be "e.g. child ...".

Slide 9, et alia: when quoting percentages the verb should be plural ("were", not "was"). Hey, I'm an English teacher. Sue me :)

Slide 11: the given answer is too superficial and misleading, since it simply averages across the general population. I think it would be far more on point to say something like "Law-abiding people are 72,338 times more likely to be killed in a vehicle crash".

Slide 14 (and elsewhere): the slideshow's tendency to highlight certain statistics in combinations of bold and yellow - and in this case to restate a particular stat at the bottom of the slide - leaves the distinct impression that the slideshow has an agenda to push, rather than being a dispassionate examination of the numbers. That tends to make me distrust it.

Also, Slide 14 should have addressed the obvious criticism that the real take-home is not that more whites are killed, but that the numbers are disproportionate.

Time constraints didn't permit me to read further.

Robert Coble said...

@CJ: Just trying to provide sources related to the original post and image. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Sadly, the DOJ and FBI numbers are often "cooked" to support the Narrative; too often, those using the numbers do their own cooking. C'est la vie. . .