Friday, May 26, 2017

Wait! I Know! It's Leftist Governments Who Left The Door Open


Paul said...

Yep, God belief, mostly Muslims, but always God belief.

Stan said...

Sorry. You might wish that to be the case, but it is not. Yes, mostly Muslims, except for the AtheoLeftists, like the guy who shot up the Family Research Council, the guy who shot up the black church members, the guy who shot Gabby Giffords, the multiple Nietzscheists who have shot up schools, etc.

So, not always God belief, just false worldviews.

Paul said...

Ya always false worldviews for sure, including God beliefs.
Not always related to God though, that's true, but ALMOST always.
Show the stats if you think otherwise. You might not like what you find.

Steven Satak said...

Ah, good old atheists. Not a leg to stand on, but still they foam at the mouth.

Like nearly all the others, this one attacks Christians. Because he/she knows what will happen if they attack a follower of Islam...