Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Donks OTHER Putin Problem

The Media’s Shameful Refusal To Report On Putin’s Ties To The American Left
Russia’s funding of left-wing U.S. environmentalist groups is a relatively passive gambit compared to the Bulgaria scandal, but that’s all the more reason to suspect more is yet to come.

Congressmen Lamar Smith and Randy Weber, both of whom chair energy-related House panels, recently sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin asking for the Department to investigate “evidence that Russia is also behind the radical statements and vitriol directed at the U.S. fossil fuel sector.” It’s a good start, but will require follow-up action.

We know that Putin is fanatically committed to expanding Russia’s sphere of influence and strengthening her economic position. We know the risk U.S. fracking poses to Russia’s economy, and we know of direct Russian ties to firms that contribute tens of millions of dollars to environmental extremists.

As Democrats and their media friends continue to obsess over Trump surrogates’ ties to Russia, it’s incumbent on everyone else to further examine Russia’s ties to anti-fracking groups. After all, we wouldn’t want a foreign power to influence our public policy. Or elections.
I expected an article on Awan Does Debbie, but no. This is about Russia attacking fracking in the USA, by funding environmentalists with $millions. Done through a middleman outfit in Bermuda, which of course takes a healthy cut.

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