Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Only Amazing Thing Is CNN Admittting It

CNN Admits Trump Campaign Was Wiretapped: Breitbart News and Mark Levin Right, Mainstream Media Wrong

CNN reported Monday evening that the U.S. government, under President Barack Obama, had wiretapped Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort — both during after (sic) the 2016 presidential campaign. [including Trump calls]

The report vindicates earlier reporting by conservative talk radio host Mark Levin, and by Breitbart News, which the entire mainstream media attempted to dismiss at the time as a “conspiracy theory” to mock Trump and to protect Obama.

The media pounced after President Trump tweeted on March 4: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

The Left is totally without moral qualms: this is likely criminal.


Craig S. said...

How can Trumpist not see that this is worse, much worse!

It still has nothing to do with Obama tapping Trump. That was still a lie, a conspiracy theory.

But now it confirms the suspicions that the FBI has been investigating members of the Trump campaign for months, because of potential ties to Russia.

1 year ago, Trumpist were saying there's nothing there... now we had indictment, emails explicitly mentioning meetings with Russian parties, FBI investigstions, etc...

Still nothing there?

Steven Satak said...

Unfortunately, as Hillary is still walking around free:

- and nothing has come of the Pakistanis working as IT consultants for the Democrats

- and nothing has come of Pizzagate

- and nothing - despite the clicks generated by #metoo - has come of the nearly endless exposure of corrupt Leftists

- and nothing has come of the exposure of 'Antifa' as yet another Democratic fascist tool

- and nothing has come of the exposure of the real motives behind the 'Russian investigation' now that it has been made clear that Mueller is in bed with the Left, has found exactly nothing, and *even if he had*, the 'charge of collusion' has no penalty and no consequences other than the usual Leftist poop-flinging.

I don't think the media care about this; they have their role to play and it involves money paid to them and Leftist goals to be pursued. Some things are so obvious, even the Leftist propaganda organs have to admit it.

That is, to me, the best sign that we are not yet too far gone. The truth is, the Left cannot stop the truth, and they have less power over us than they have in some 80 years.

Make America Great Again. Bad news for those who would tear America down to serve their own power fantasies.

Stan said...

BTW, talking to Russians is not a crime. It cannot result in impeachment/conviction/removal from office.

However Hillary's open server full of Top Secret information, Huma's copying of those, and giving them to her perv husband - all that is treason and traditionally punishable by death.

Craig S. said...

You think it's ok for a foreign government to influence ours, via corruption of a candidate who is now POTUS.
Alright then...

Craig S. said...

BTW, nothing to do with Hallary, Obama, or anything else (Pizzagate, seriously? Steven has to be trolling you...)
The fact that you're trying to avoid the horrible truth of Trump being in bed with Russia is disturbing, even if it's not illegal, as the Breibart articlr says. And it could be illegal NOW if Trump continues to receive payments or other benefits from foreign leaders.

Stan said...

The entire concept of Russia affecting the election is absurd. If Comey had anything he would have leaked it himself; he didn't. If Mueller had anything he would have leaked it through his buddy, Comey; he didn't. The only evidence is the lies that were cooked up by the American lie cooker, Fusion GPS, paid for by Hillary, given to Steele, and called the "Trump Russia Dossier".

Completely fictional charges, paid for by the Democrats, used to harass a duly elected American President using the legal system still infested with swamp critters.

There is no "horrible truth" of Trump in bed with the Russians.

What there is, is a false, manufactured conspiracy theory intended to throw the election to Hillary, and when that failed, to provide ammo for the "Not My President" traitors.

That's all.

Stan said...

Besides, after Hillary did the "Russian Reset" under Obama, the Russians have been the good guys, friends of everyone. right up until the dossier conspiracy theory against Trump was manufactured by those same Democrats.

Stan said...

Oh yes, there is now this:
"Smear campaign? Court documents show Fusion GPS paid journalists who reported on Trump/Russia"

So following the money is a short path: Hillary pays Fusion GPS to manufacture the lies in the dossier; Fusion GPS pays the "journalists" who published the lies in the dossier.

And that is the evidence that exists; it all points to Hillary, not the Donald.

Craig S. said...

It's not that much about Russia influencing our elections (tought that's also possible via hackers, bots, trolls, social media...) it's mostly about Russia influencing our GOVERNMENT.
Is that really fine with you?

And yes there is evidence, there are ties, people lied under oath, people had meetings with them, and it's been under investigation for much longer than we previously thought...

Steven Satak said...

Seriously, Craig?

You're trying to frighten people with the boogyman - even after all the lights have been turned on and the mattress turned over so we can see clearly under the bed.

If it came to light - it hasn't, of course, but suppose proof turned up that Obama had been taking his marching orders directly from Putin, the mullahs in Iran, and that chubby dictator in North Korea? Yes, just suppose?

What part of his Presidency could you point to, in order to prove that he *wasn't* doing their bidding?

The proof isn't in what 'allegations' might come up under ideal circumstances you know full well are never going to exist. The proof is in what the man is actually doing as regards his campaign promises, given the hostility from both political parties. I think it happens to be quite a lot.

You, on the other hand, disagree with the campaign promises themselves, and apparently have no issue with the spectre of a Clinton White House. This, despite the *facts* turned up since before the election.

Better to have a proven criminal in office, as long as she's on 'your side', eh? This is why you have lost all credibility with me, Craig. You would elect the Devil himself, if it meant spitting in Trump's eye.

If you and your kind can't have it, no one will. Yes, I know how your kind thinks. I used to be one of you.

Craig S. said...

Where did I state Hillary would have been great?

Your assumptions are showing Steven, it's embarrassing... but coming from a guy who believed in Pizzagate, I guess it's meaningless, you're projecting so much, everything you wrote shows how you think you're better, an elite, how you think you now got it right, how you think you know someone like me from... nothing at all