Friday, January 7, 2011

Is It Wise to Advertise Your Ignorance?

The Atheist billboard in Huntsville has drawn comments from even the elites over at Massimo’s blog. The American Atheist billboard states, ”You KNOW they’re All SCAMS”. It then shows religious symbols.

I wasn’t going to comment on it because it seems to be such a juvenile provocation rather than an argument worthy of refutation. But as a long-time reader says in an email to me, how do they know with such certainty that the truth statements of ALL religions are false? Since they cannot possibly know that, much less the truth value of their own smug religious position, then their self-satisfying smirk at the bottom of the billboard, “Telling the Truth Since [whenever]” is demonstrably false. If that claim, their main one, is false then what are we to make of any other claims that they choose to promote?

The interview with the local American Atheists leader shows the deception being practiced: if the purpose is to attract Atheists, why not just invite Atheists to the Convention. That is not what the billboard does, though. The billboard is a thumb in the eye of non-Atheists, and it is obvious that that is the specific intent. Given that the statement of the local leader is as obviously false as the content of the billboard itself, Atheists have stumbled badly in their adjunct claim of rationality and distribution of "truth".

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