Saturday, January 31, 2015

Quote of the Day

"Again, it all comes back to power. The Progressives borrowed this neat trick from Napoleon and Marx (which sounds like a fine haberdashery). They unilaterally declared all competing ideologies to be closed-mindedly “ideological” while claiming for themselves an open-minded pragmatism. So liberalism doesn’t have to defend itself as an ideology while it can accuse all of its competing ideologies of being cult-like and other-worldly. We hear this in Obama all of the time. His opponents are “ideologues” who put their “ideology” ahead of the American people, while he is merely a “problem-solver” who only wants to do “what works.” I’m sure he believes it.

Which points to one of the big problems with liberalism; its staggering lack of self-awareness. Liberals simply take it as a given that they are open-minded, morally superior free thinkers. At least conservatives acknowledge our dogma. Liberals have become so dogmatic they can’t even see theirs."
Jonah Goldberg
The underlying premise here is that if the Left "unilaterally declares" a principle to be true, then it is no longer questionable by themselves or anyone else: it has become a Leftist First Principle, and denial is seen as both irrational and evil. This is premised further on the Messiahship of the Left - the immutable self-perfection attained through self-elevation above all other existing and potential intellects and moral authorities. They are supreme in all ways; they are engaged in forcing you to acknowledge that. Because you are irrational and evil it is the Leftist's holy task to correct your mind, or silence your mouth.


Robert Coble said...

In your last paragraph, substitute "Islamist" for "Leftist" and you will have a better understanding of the philosophy underlying "the religion of peace."

Never mind; I'll do it myself.

The underlying premise here is that if the Islamists "unilaterally declares" a principle to be true, then it is no longer questionable by themselves or anyone else: it has become an Islamist First Principle, and denial is seen as both irrational and evil. This is premised further on the Messiahship of the Islamists - the immutable self-perfection attained through self-elevation above all other existing and potential intellects and moral authorities. They are supreme in all ways; they are engaged in forcing you to acknowledge that. Because you are irrational and evil it is the Islamist's holy task to correct your mind, or silence your mouth.

It's YOUR “choice,” made freely without any coercion (Ibn al Corleone: "I make you an offer you cannot refuse."):

(1) Convert to Islam.

(2) Become an officially recognized second-class citizen (dhimmi) and pay the jizya for "protection." According to Dragon fang, this "protection" comes with a “money back guarantee”: “There shouldn't be any mob charging you, but if an Islamic society can't protect you for any reason, then your Jizya is returned.

Not that it will do you much good if you have already been killed because your very presence in Islamic territory offended the sensibilities of the “peaceful” Islamic mob. I LOVE THIS! Islam self-admittedly IS a “mob” in the classic sense of the Sicilian Mafia, with a shakedown system explicitly built into it - for your own good, of course.

(3) DIE, INFIDEL! (Preferably by beheading, but any other form of death is permitted by Allah, the most Merciful and Benevolent, if it rids the earthly utopia of another infidel.

Unknown said...

Thought you might find this interesting. Even the Left is beginning to notice that Leftists are eating their young.

And in San Francisco the wantonly hedonist community is disintegrating into competing factions raging at one another for perceived offenses against their pet kink (warning: graphic):

Stan said...

Too funny! sex deviants trying to shame other sex deviants with "moral" arguments!

And this cracks me up:
"That evidently hasn't placated organizers at Gay Shame and fellow organization Lesbians and Gays Against Intervention (LAGAI). Asked how they respond to the free speech defense, Gay Shame representative Mary Lou Ratchet writes: "Our argument is not a legal one as the US Constitution is a document of violent subjugation." "

Thanks for the links!

Unknown said...

Yes, that raised my eyebrow, too. Not at all unexpected, however.

Remember, atheists and hedonists are all about one thing: Unfettered immorality. Anything that stands in their way is to be perjored and pillaried, put to and including the Constitution.

They're not about law, but lawlessness.