Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This is of Great Importance: AGW Solved!

It's a much better fit than CO2, it appears. And it explains the missing upper level heat signature: it's in DC instead. So many issues resolved.


Nats said...

If this wasn't a comedy post, I'd ask about correlation and causation, by what mechanism is US postal charges driving global warming? and how well has this mechanism been studied and peer-reviewed?

But since it's just a comedy post, I'll just say hi and hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

You'd think it would be a joke, but the site it is posted from is a "legitimate" climate skeptic. No, I think this is actually the level of debate in AGW.

The obvious error is that they are comparing the temperature change with the total volume of CO2. Instead of comparing the CO2 change with the temperature change. Which looks like this:

Stan said...

The reference site has a large segment labelled as comedy. Good grief. True believers can't take a joke...? Or actually look a source site?